Sustainche™ thinks about a ‘Sustainche Farm™’ in Namibia, Part I

Well, there is no doubt that Sustainche™ is still under the impression of his research results on ‘exploitation’ and ‘land grabbing’ in Africa. He feels sad.

Sustainche and Lisa“This is indeed sad,” Lisa tries to cheer up Sustainche, “but we are too small to change this mammals’ world of thieves and hypocrites operating in private businesses and development organizations.” Sustainche looks down on his belly: “But I have a big red heart and I came here to provide inspiration for a better quality of life.” “Yes, Sustainche, we’re all here to do what we’re all here to do,” Lisa quotes the Oracle from the Matrix Reloaded Movie. “We need to design our own project: ‘Sustainche Farm’ ”, Lisa continues. Elephantche on the Elephantche cuddle pillow is instantly waking up. “Hmmm,” Sustainche is thinking …, “Sustainche Farm … how can we do this? We are poor !” is Sustainche’s rather less enthusiastic first comment. “Well, we are poor in the traditional sense because we have no moneyski, neither in the pocket nor on any bank account. However, we have a good heart and many good ideas on how to generate the climate for change towards sustainable development. We know a lot about sustainable development. Don’t we ?” Lisa explains. “Well, this is very much true”, Sustainche confirms,” however, who would like to know what we know?”

“Look Sustainche”, Lisa starts to elaborate, “I’m an African Penguin, I was born here, and I know African and Namibian human mammals. For example, we Africans naturally do not look into ‘maximization of profit’ like most people in the western world. Due to our harsh surrounding environment with a yearly cycle of dry season and rainy season we need to look into ‘risk minimization’. This is already very near to the vision of sustainable development. For us it goes without saying that not everything is available at all times. We appreciate our environment and we need to take care that we have something to eat even though there is nothing growing, like for example Mahangu. We are used to utilize everything that Mother Nature provides, and that is why we produce very nice Marula oil both for cooking and as a cosmetic product. In fact, it is not our habit to go to a supermarket to buy spaghetti … which – by the way – during the past years became more and more expensive, and I can see the time to come, when we will not even be able to buy all these goods because we simply cannot afford all this expensive imports from the Republic of South Africa.”

To be concluded !

~ by sustainche on May 27, 2011.

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